English Oneshot?

  • In mid-May a Canadian friend of mine comes to visit. She's got some D&D experience from before.

    Would there be people ready to play an English oneshot in a simple rules system? Yesterday's "Ratten!" comes to mind.

    Please let me know.

  • As I happen to play quite a lot games with players from all around the world via Google+ Hangouts in English, I could offer to run a game or play in a game run by someone else.

    I'd prefer a Savage Worlds setting like Deadlands: Reloaded, Deadlands: Noir, Hellfrost, etc. or Marvel Heroic Roleplaying or Barbarians of Lemuria. "One trick pony"-games like Ratten! etc. aren't to my taste at all, though.

    What do you think are her preferences regarding genre and setting? Does she like to play vermin PCs? Maybe the Savage Setting of Low Life is a setting for her taste then?

    Is this a game during a regular Spieletreff or at another time and place? How many players do you prefer for this one-shot session?

  • Hello, Frank.

    Using a "one trick pony" game would be precisely my point. It's a bit also about meeting some local people.

    My guess would be it's not about playing vermin. ;)

    All Deadlands settings strike me as too complex with too much background. Great for campaigns, but too much for oneshots. This would be one evening with no chance of followup.

  • I've run ALL Deadlands-Settings as One-Shot games in the past. At my table or via Hangout. - There are actually less things to explain than in settings like Ratten! or other such "exotic" settings. Everybody knows the western tropes by heart. Everybody knows the film noir tropes by heart. In my experience the power of cliche is, what makes Deadlands settings the most successful settings to get people "into" roleplaying games in general. That's my experience, not a guess.

    But I don't want to be obtrusive. If Ratten!'s your game, then you'll probably find other gamers who are up for it.

  • I feel the Ratten!-discussion aims at me, so here's my two cents of opinion:

    I consider myself as well as Ratten! well prepared for a one-shot adventure (although I'd like to try to get a rat-capaign rolling in the far future), so take that as an offer, Oliver. I'd love to join any other english speaking party as well.

    It sounds like you're recovering fast, Zornhau. Hope to see you back soon as a regular attendant of monday's spieletreffs: Maybe for a game of Ratten! or something in the terms of Deadlands.

  • I feel the Ratten!-discussion aims at me,

    Not at all. - At least not from my side. I didn't play in a Ratten! game at your table, so I wouldn't refer to your GMing of Ratten! at all.

    Hope to see you back soon as a regular attendant of monday's spieletreffs: Maybe for a game of Ratten!

    That most probably not. I know Ratten! really well from the days when it was a free RPG at Kopfkino. It is nicely done. But playing rodents is not for me. There are other games, like Mouse Guard or Psittacora or A Dogs Life or Cats or Felis etc. - but it simply does not tempt me to play little animals.

    MUTATED NINJA TEENAGE Animals. - Well, that's another story (and best done using Marvel Heroic Roleplaying).

  • Since I know more people from the US and Canada than Germany, this might actually be more familiar to me than playing in german <_<

    If I can find the time, I'll be there. Don't care too much about the system, but I have to agree with Zornhau. I've played several one-shots in various Savage Worlds settings and a game that's basically just "X with Y", is more easily explained than all-out games like Ratten.
    That's not to say, I wouldn't very much enjoy a game of Ratten, too :3

  • *ratsch* :evil:

    Well, I've seen twied explain the rats basics and the character creation basically in no time at all, and we did well.

    The last time I let my players create their own Savage Worlds characters they needed two hours to decide their advantages and disadvantages. Granted, this was for a campaign, but... Yesterday we needed more than two hours for a fight without battlemap because the dice did not give us raises. I've seen several Savage Worlds battles that took as much time as I basically would expect a whole oneshot to take - in our Cubus oneshots attention seems to seriously go down after 3 hours, anyway. ;)

  • Oliver, you mentioned She has D&D experience.
    Why not a Savage Worlds 0815-Fantasy One-Shoot like The Tomb of Terrors with the basic rules and pre-gernerated characters (background is little different, but straight fantasy, the pre-generated characters will avoid the problems of edges and hindrances)?

  • Actually, Savage Worlds has PROVEN itself as quite capable RPG system for One-Shots with non-gamers or not-gamers-for-quite-a-while, as well as for campaigns spanning several years weekly play. - Yes, it's THAT good!