Beiträge von ermete

    Well, I watched the video. How will you guys collect the material for the dungeon?

    Not sure about the complication points - what is he referring to? The time spent discussing at the game table during the dungeon crawl?

    Uhm, I think that he implies that the players are supposed to create the props and the other stuff "on the spot", during the "in town" session. So basically, the first session would be the players working on all the aspect of the dungeon, role playing the various meeting with people that already tried to storm it (and failed). This process takes a lot of time. so every 5-10 minutes of session, the master gains complication points. Let's say the "in town" session lasts for 2h 30' and the master gains 1 complication point every 5 minutes. At the end, he would have gained 30 complication points. this means that he can alterate the material produced by the players 30 times (in the sense that - the map is not accurate, the juveline dragon is actually an ancient dracolich...and so on and so forth). In the week before the "dungeon session" he can than modify everything accordingly.

    of course it is just a random idea I wanted to share :) out of pure curiousity.

    for the shifting to other area of the forum, yeah, definitely, but I didn't really know were to put it in the first place :D

    Hi everybody,

    This is the general post for the english speaking monday group, on which I will try to keep all the material produced during the session in one place.

    I invite also Sebastian to share here his fantastic summary of the session held so far (I know you have it ;) ).

    This might be also a good place for sharing proposal about the game (such as the dirty dungeon - see video below), plans (so that Oliver can know them in advance and counter them in the most appropriate way)

    For what concern Tremulus (Cthulhu), maybe it is better if we set a different thread.

    I also suggest psi to upload the colour version of his pictures (the ensable of Macario, Gildorel, Clio and Rosenkranz and the portrait of Gildorel)

    here the picture of a ELF fallen asleep - which is I've just double checked on the rule and apparently ELVEN ARE IMMUNE TO MAGICAL SLEEP :pinch: ....whatever

    the picture of the legendary fight between the goose and the skeletons will follow, as well as the draft of the background of the Ambrose, the gender bender wizard, mage, cultist,

    I will once again propose you to watch this video from John Wick about the cooperative dungeon creation:

    uh - cool!

    so shall we do some "home-work" in any case (e.g. reading the rules)?

    on a totally different note, I wanted to inform you that I officially own a copy of the nefarious "Castle whiterock". No worries - I have not read it (the only thing I know is because some wanker posted some minor details in a forum I was following)...So I kinda dying of curiousity of playing well as playing an adventure path I kickstarted: throne of night.

    Speaking of kickstarter: they sent me a new copy of torchbearer...and managed to send it again to a wrong address..

    as last I really raccomand also this youtube video by john wick about "cooperative dungeon generation" :D


    of course if you want I also have an english copy of Arkham Horror (the board game)...talking about board games...I would really wish to try out the Order of the Stick one "Dungeon of Dorukan"...but maybe is kind of too extreme :D

    As Lovecraft enthusiast, Cthulhu always sounds good to me...although I'm personally more inclined to favour more the (pseudo) medieval settings (although for cthulhu it doesn't really make sense).

    For DCC: I have printed for the guys the character sheets available on the Goodman games website (I will bring along some spare copies as well) :)

    PSI and I are coming and there will be a new comer as well - be warned :D

    Well guys,

    I actually really really enjoyed the evening. Specifically I want to share a stunt made by one of the DCC player, Pietro Silvi (PSI) who actually took also the time to make a visual rendition of it.

    He had one of his character, a cold blooded farmer lady, weaving a goose in front of 10 animated skeletons, and managed to distract them...

    Behold the Goosebearer!

    looking forward for the next session!

    Yes, exactly. I liked the book so much, I bought a print copy - which I rarely do. It has dual use as a 1d10+3 melee weapon or when thrown. :P

    I like Goodman Games' style. They make good adventures. :)

    Yeah - I have seen it...almost 500 pages behemoth :D

    I actually like goodman games too..I always wanted to buy "castle whiterock" - which looked really cool.

    Oh, and for Torchbearer, I had simply to re-download it. Now I have the updated version (and I have already passed it to Pietro and Thomas). So it will definitely be a real alternative (as soon as you are 100% with it - and willing to GM it :D )

    I already have Torchbearer and am reading it in depth at the moment. I really would like to offer it as game master. :)

    As for D&D/D20 - I recently got 13th Age and have tried it out once so far with a test group.

    Do you already have the paper print copy? damn... If so, I have to double check the address I gave them...

    13th Age sounds really cool and I want definitely to try it out -

    Going back to Torchbearer - I would be glad to be one of the player so count on me!

    I will ask also the other guys. Maybe we can try to set up a first meeting. I would say maybe directly this Wednesday, just to see who actually we are in person (one of my friend will be missing but I will keep him updated) and reach an agreement on the system.

    what do you reckon?