Macario 'Chubby Knotter' [Mattia - Warrior]: Fat ropemaker, he knows how to tie 47 different types of knots plus variants. He has proven quite heavy to carry.
Cliomenica the Goose Bearer [Psi - Cleric]: Sweet barley farmer, human companion of Rosencrantz the Goose. She is a bit whiny and scared, but has big... heart.
Drugo Silkfingers [Thomas - Halfling]: Glovemaker hobbit, also expert in cooking, socializing, partying, and being tied like a salami.
Alrik pool seeker [Sebastian - Warrior]: Farmer with an omniuseful 3 meters pole. He always looks for water pools to stick his duck within.
'Spotted' Braenn [Kasia - Cleric]: Shaman with a small cosmetic problem. She realized that spirit whispers are seldom of any help.
Gory Chaincracker [Han? - Wizard]: former slave, who escaped the slave trade under mysterious circumstances, now wizardry apprentice.
Gallion the silent [Hugo - Elf]: he does not need to speak often, since humans never understand anyways!
Ambrose the Lunatic [Mattia - Wizard]: ex-cooper mad as a goat, alternates moments of sudden reason with wild magic bursts.
Gildorel, elven craftsman [Psi - Elf]: quite arrogant elf companion, who believes himself a superior, misunderstood, artist.
Ponn who-does-not-care [Thomas - Cleric]: no longer a beggar, he is now in a peculiar relationship of mutual carelessness with his god.
Ricardo, cunning dark priest [Sebastian - Cleric]: obscure zealot with a stony leg. Loves to punch girls who annoy his faith.
Milva city wanderer [Kasia - Thief]: her charms are only part of her thievery... ehrm, enterpreneuring skills
John the hound [Han? - Warrior]: sometimes mistaken for a sasquatch, he is so hairy that he blends within a sheep herd.
Lucky bargain Henry [Hugo - Thief]: or at least he -thinks- he got a lucky bargain, actually his fencer scams him every time.