Spieletreff am 11. November

  • Oft gut besucht, obwohl keiner die erste Zeile liest: der Spieletreff

    am 11. November ab 19:00 im Hexenhaus

    Mit am Start:

    • Der Brettspielschrank
    • Legenden von Andor (Fiolion)
    • tremulus: Cthulhu horror roleplaying (in English)
  • This time I want to introduce you guys to the fun world of horror roleplaying with the help of tremulus.

    tremulus is an easy little system loosely based on Dungeon World. It has rather easy rules, character creation can be done in no time with just the printed sheets I will provide.

    Time frame will probably be the late 1920s or early 1930s.

    Character classes are called "playbooks" in tremulus. I will try to bring: the Alienist (psychiatrist), the Antiquarian, the Author, the Detective, the Devout, the Dilettante (rich amateur), the Doctor, the Heir, the Journalist, the Professor, the Salesman.

    PS - could not resist and will additionally bring: the Artist, the Criminal, the Dreamer, the Drifter and the Psychic. :whistling:

  • Hallo

    würde gerne mal ein Abenteuer der Legenden von Andor spielen

    evtl. sogar die neue Erweiterung das Sternenschild, habe aber auch die 4. und 5. Legende noch nicht gespielt.

    Nehme das Spiel (mit Erweiterung) auf jeden Fall mit.

    Wer Interesse? Bis 4 Spieler können mitmachen

  • Kenn ich zwar nicht. Aber neue Spiele . Immer INteresse. Spiele von dir..nur gute Erfahrungen. Ergo...wenn ich rechtzeitig aus dem Büro komme bin ich dabei :)

    Oder richtet sich das an Leute, die das Basisspiel schon kennen? Tu ich das? Ich bin so schlecht darin mir alles zu merken, was ich schon ausprobiert hab :D

  • uh - cool!

    so shall we do some "home-work" in any case (e.g. reading the rules)?

    on a totally different note, I wanted to inform you that I officially own a copy of the nefarious "Castle whiterock". No worries - I have not read it (the only thing I know is because some wanker posted some minor details in a forum I was following)...So I kinda dying of curiousity of playing it...as well as playing an adventure path I kickstarted: throne of night.

    Speaking of kickstarter: they sent me a new copy of torchbearer...and managed to send it again to a wrong address..

    as last I really raccomand also this youtube video by john wick about "cooperative dungeon generation" :D



  • If two copies ever arrive with you, let me take some of your burden ... ;)

    No homework needed. For players, the *World / Haiku engine is supremely easy: Roll 2d6 + modifier, 6- is failure, 7-9 is success with some side effect and 10+ is full success. All you need to know will be printed on your character sheets. All you need to do in character creation is read the sheet, and select and write / check / underline options. I will just lay them out on the table - I printed them today - and everybody can pick one. Dungeon World was a real eye opener on how easy yet colorful character creation can be. :)

    I'm also open to suggestions as to how to proceed, and the next week will give me a chance to read a bit of Castle Whiterock. As for dungeon creation - I have recently created a hugely unsuccessful Google+ group titled Collaborative Dungeon Creation. :P Let's just say I wouldn't exactly say no ...

    Our current adventure was meant to introduce more non-dungeon elements as a form of variety. Also to flex my adventure writer muscles a little ... Still rather rusty. :P

  • Kenn ich zwar nicht. Aber neue Spiele . Immer INteresse. Spiele von dir..nur gute Erfahrungen. Ergo...wenn ich rechtzeitig aus dem Büro komme bin ich dabei :)

    Oder richtet sich das an Leute, die das Basisspiel schon kennen? Tu ich das? Ich bin so schlecht darin mir alles zu merken, was ich schon ausprobiert hab :D

    Zwar ist es von Vorteil, die kleineren Legenden zu kennen, da man dann seine Möglichkeiten wei, aber kein muss. Ich erkläre es ja ohnehin nochmal. Ausserdem ist es ein Kooperatives Spiel, also helfen wir uns sowie so gegenseitig